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A Tip for Teachers to Connect with Students: From our Guest Blogger, Lucie

When someone comes into your world and literally TRANSFORMS you and the mission on your heart from the inside out, you KNOW they are meant to stay in your life forever.

For me, that’s Lucie.

If you’ve attended The Bloom, or you’ve heard me speak at your school or district, you most definitely have heard about this young woman.

Because when she walked into my classroom at just SIX years old, she taught ME more than I had ever learned from getting my psychology degree, teaching credential, and masters in education.

And here’s the thing…she CONTINUES to teach me.

Because the social world is tricky, and friendships, relationships, school life, academics, extracurricular activities, family…it’s difficult to navigate it ALL.

And now I get to share all of the things I AM LEARNING from HER with all of YOU.

From her life, to our blog! You don’t have to wait until The Bloom to get more of guest blogger, Lucie!


I hope your school year is off to a great start! As some of you know, I started high school this year. I was very nervous leading up to the first day, but I am happy to say that things have gone pretty well so far. A huge part of that has to do with some of the teachers that I have. I thought it might be helpful to share some of the things that my teachers have done that have helped me feel good. You might be inspired to do something similar with your students! Here are some tips for teachers to connect and get to know their students at the beginning of the year. This couldn’t wait for The bloom!

First, there were some teachers that had us fill out Google forms as homework the first week of school. Some of the questions were just for fun, but one of the teachers asked the question “Do you participate in class? And if not, why?” This was my answer: “I don’t participate much because I’m worried if I say the wrong answer or the wrong thing that teachers will get mad at me or I’ll be embarrassed in front of everybody.” I am actually scared of this teacher because she seems really strict. I was happy that she asked this question, so she can know how I am feeling. I wish that all teachers would ask this question so that they know that I am not trying to displease them when I don’t participate sometimes. I had a strict teacher last year that constantly was talking to the class about how they need to participate more and it just made me even more uncomfortable.

Another question she asked was is there something that I wished her and my other teachers knew about me. This gave me the opportunity to let her know that I have autism. I also shared what that meant for me since most people don’t really know about autism. This made me feel calmer in her class because if something happens, she may be more understanding and support me rather than punish me. This is an important part of me and all of my teachers should know.

Lastly, one day a student who also had autism was having a hard time staying calm. Most of the kids laughed. My teacher talked to them about the kids at our school with autism and that we should be nice to them. She explained that they are not being disruptive or trying to be funny. They just communicate in different ways. This made me feel really happy to hear that she supports people with autism. I don’t think she knew that I had autism at the time, but it made me feel supported, too. It felt nice to know she was an autism advocate like me! You just never know how your words will impact your students.

So keep this in mind when starting the year with your students. The things that teachers do and say can make kids feel calm and good, and when kids feel calm and good they are ready to learn! Green zone vibes!

Check-in with your students, ask questions that get into those thought bubbles, and talk to them about the kids that seem different. My mom and I have had some great conversations about the kids that come into my art class, but that is for another time….

Thanks for reading and keep on smiling!



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Kim Gameroz is a change agent for schools and districts who seek to revolutionize classrooms by taking on a systematic approach to teaching social and emotional skills.

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