The Community
There is no greater gift than being surrounded by people who get you, breathe life into you, inspire, and energize you so you can keep going. We understand that teaching can feel like a never-ending battle, which is why we're here to help.
Our community is dedicated to empowering educators like you with the tools, resources, and strategies you need to thrive in the classroom.
Imagine diving into the world of emotional intelligence, intentional leadership, and best practices across all academic content areas.
The feeling of knowing that you don't have to go through those hard days alone, and that you have a community of heart-centered educators to lift you up, is what SELebrate Good Times is all about.
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Grant Opportunities
& Information
Grants are a great way to access funding for professional development and coaching. But who has time to research which grants will support you and your team? And seriously, who has time to write them?
Kim has done the work for you.
Check out the grants below to see which ones might work for you. And remember, your district might have other grants through their school foundation as well as other programs such as Cotsen The Art of Teaching for alumni members.
After finding the grant(s) that you want to use, Kim will help you by giving you a template that will take you 60 minutes or less to complete your grant from start to finish.
So what are you waiting for? Let her guide, encourage, and transform your teaching this year. Let Kim do all the heavy lifting so that you can focus on YOU. I guarantee this will be an experience like nothing you have ever felt before.
NEA Foundation Learning and Leadership Grants
$2,000 to $5,000
Fall 2024 Application Deadline:
September 15th, 2024
The NEA Foundation for the Improvement of Education awards grants that support the professional development of public school teachers and faculty in public institutions of higher education. Grants may fund professional development experiences, such as summer institutes or action research, mentoring experiences or lesson study.
"Educators are the backbone of our public education system, yet all too often, don’t have resources at their disposal to prioritize their professional learning journeys. Learning and Leadership Grants enable educators to grow their leadership skills and invest in professional development to maximize their impact inside and outside the classroom."
NEA Foundation
Fund for Teachers
$5,000 to $10,000
2025 Application Opening:
October 1st, 2024
Fund for Teachers is unique in that it awards grants for professional development based on the principle that the teacher is the one who knows what they need to grow as an educator. These grants are self designed and allow teachers to create their own professional development opportunity based on what is most beneficial to their teaching in their own opinions.
"Fund for Teachers strengthens instruction by investing in outstanding teachers' self-determined professional growth and development in order to support student success, enrich their own practice, and strengthen their schools and communities."
Fund For Teachers
McCarthey Dressman Teacher Development Grants
Up to $10,000 per year
for 2 years
2025 Application Opening:
January 15th, 2025 - April 15th, 2025
The McCarthey Dressman Education Foundation provides Teacher Development Grants for individual teachers or small teams working in K-12 education. To foster insightful and innovative professional training and growth, the grants allow you to implement new teaching methods and strategies in the classroom.
"The McCarthey Dressman Foundation is dedicated to serving students and teachers in developing interests, strategies, and skills needed to enhance society."
The McCarthey Dressman Foundation
Voya Unsung Heroes Program
Multiple Awards
Yearly Application Deadline:
April 19th
Voya Financial established the Unsung Heroes in 1995 in an effort to recognize teachers implementing new teaching methods and techniques for improving student learning. The award application is centered on a description of previous projects teachers have worked on or plans they would like to enact in the future to benefit their classroom.
"For two decades, and with over $6 million in awarded grants, Voya Unsung Heroes has proven to be an A+ program with educators. The program’s “alumni” have inspired success in the classroom and impacted countless numbers of students."
Voya Financial
NEA Foundation Student Success Grants
Up to $5,000
Fall 2024 Application Deadline:
September 15th, 2024
The NEA Foundation allows practicing public school teachers to apply for the funding of programs designed to improve the academic achievement of students. The grant will fund your efforts for 12 months, and funding may be used for resource materials, supplies, equipment, transportation, and technology — any part of the proposed plan that has a direct impact on the students’ learning.
"Public education should stimulate students’ curiosity and excitement about learning. Student Success Grants supports educators who strive to implement innovative and effective forms of learning, helping students find joy in learning and achieve their potential."
NEA Foundation